Sound Beginnings


Registration Fee: $15 for 1 student and $8 for each additional student. The registration fee is due upon enrollment in class and includes a T-shirt. 

Materials Fee: $42.50 for a full set (recommended on first semester). Choose "semester set" ($35) for subsequent years. There is also a $2.99 shipping fee.

Tuition: $180/semester for 1 student  $220/semester for more than 1 student. Multiple students must be siblings. 


There are 6 semesters of Sound Beginnings. Each semester is 15 weeks long. Semesters begin in August and January. When you enroll in Sound Beginnings, you are only committing to pay for 1 semester.

Foundations of Sound Beginnings

Sounds Beginnings provides education through musical play! The following elements make up the foundation of the Sound Beginnings curriculum. 

In class we share stories and practice our letters. Each semester we focus on new skills such as counting, shapes, days of the week and month, etc.

In class, we use our voices, bodies and simple rhythm instruments to feel and perform a steady beat.

We are all going to sing in class! Parents, be sure to sing along - you are a musical model for your child. 

In class we learn nursery rhymes with finger plays and practice making the ABC in sign language

Each week we will jump, dance, and move to music. We use dancing scarves, bean bags and a parachutes to aid in the fun. 

Our 'Smart Moves' dances expose us to classical music and teach us to interpret it.

This class is for children and their 'grown up' to enjoy together. We will focus on building and strengthening these relationships in class.